+1 (314) 828-9713

Our Specialties & Services

Browse through our services and be sure to connect with one of our therapist by scheduling an appointment.

I Work With Individuals, Couples, Families, & Children

Individual Therapy

A process that will help you direct your attention to both growth and change. Discussing our issues and understanding our emotions/feelings will help us identify the source of our pain points.

Couples Therapy

Work on removing the difficulties you face as couple, be it emotional affairs, distance or whatever. Our couple therapy will be helpful solution to your relationship troubles.

Family Therapy

We’re focused on improving the dialogue, pain points and mutual understanding that a family might be going through. In doing so, we help to create a beneficial home for all.

Children’s Therapy Approach

With Children the approach is a little different because they learn differently. I will use play and other expressive techniques. Play provides the child with the live, dynamic, individual language indispensable for the expression of [the child’s] subjective feelings for which collective language alone is inadequate. Play helps a child develop mastery over his innate abilities resulting to a sense of worth and aptitude.

During play, children are driven to meet the essential need of exploring and mastering their environment. Play also contributes in the advancement of creative thinking. Play likewise provides a way for children to release strong sentiments making them feel relieved. During play, children play out undesirable life experiences by breaking them down into smaller parts, discharging emotional states or frames of mind that go with each part, integrating every experience back into the understanding they have of themselves and gaining a higher level and a greater degree of mastery.

My Expertise


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Anxiety is your body’s natural response to stress but if your feelings of anxiety are extreme and they are interfering with your life it may be time to get help. Some symptoms could include increased heart rate, rapid breathing, restlessness, trouble concentrating, difficulty falling asleep.


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Post traumatic stress disorder is a disorder that develops in some people that have experienced a shocking, scary, or dangerous event-including physical and sexual abuse. Some symptoms could inlucde bad dreams, flash backs, frightening thoughts, avoiding thoughts, staying away from people, places or  events.


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Everyone experiences anger at some point in life. it becomes problematic when the frequency or severity of anger interferes with relationships, work performance, and school.  When it becomes this severe, it is time to seek help

Suicidal Ideation

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Talking about wanting to die or wanting to kill yourself. Feeling empty, hopeless or having no reason to live. Using alcohol or drugs more often, withdrawing from family and friends can all be a sign of being suicidal. If you know someone like this or this is you please take the time to get help.


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Depression is a common but serious mood disorder. It causes severe symptoms that affect how you feel, think and handle daily activities, such as sleeping eation or working. If you are feeling like this it is time to seek help.

Women's Issues

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Women can have so many issues to deal with. Divorce, parenting, school, work, making major life transitions, accomplishing goals. It all can be overwhelming at times and it can be helpful to have someone to help sort through the situation.

My Approach

You will be supported and encouraged to speak freely about anything that comes to your mind. We explore recognizing, acknowledging, understanding, expressing, and overcoming your negative, positive, and contradictory feelings and emotions.

The psychotherapeutic approach works to improve the quality of your interpersonal experiences and relationships—how you feel and experience others and how others experience you.

You will learn to consider and resolve your current challenges and change your behavior in current relationships through a deep exploration and analysis of earlier experiences and emotions. Important will be recognizing how those past experiences and emotions are showing up today, however obvious or obscure, and how they affect your current decision-making, feelings, action, and relationships.

Exploring painful parts of our lived experience can be difficult. Doing so takes time and developing trust. Psychotherapy prioritizes trust in therapeutic relationship and that the change you seek is within you.

Getting Started is Easy


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Frequently Asked Questions

What Is Family Therapy/Counseling?

Family therapy or family counseling is a form of treatment that is designed to address specific issues affecting the health and functioning of a family. It can be used to help a family through a difficult period, a major transition or  mental or behavioral problems in family members.

What Is The Goal Of Family Therapy?

In a nutshell, the goal of family therapy is to work together to heal any mental or emotional,  or psychological problems tearing your family apart.

What Are The Benefits To Family Therapy?

A better understanding of healthy boundaries and family patterns and dynamics. Enhanced communication. Improved problem solving. Deeper Empathy. Reduced conflict and better anger management Skills

What Can We Expect From Couples Therapy?

Sessions are generally 60 min long. The 1st session is an assessment where we gather background information from you and your partner.  The 2nd and 3rd sessions I
 usually meet partners individually to understand your relationship histories. Starting the 4th session I bring couples back to gather again to track your interaction patterns.

How Long Do We Have To Be In Marriage Counseling?

There is not a force to do anything but if you are wanting to make your relationship better, I would suggest a commitment to a at least 6 months of weekly sessions.

Contact Me

Ask a question or book an appointment below. For emergencies call 911 or visit your nearest hospital

+1 (314) 828-9713

+1 (314) 991-0100

Lake Saint Louis Office

1000 Lake Saint Louis Blvd. Suite 34
Lake Saint Louis, MO, 63367

Creve Couer Office

9666 Olive Blvd. Suite 205
Olivette, Mo. 63132
